A catalogue of Japanese Trichoptera
Family Xiphocentronidae Ross
Author: Takaaki TORII
E-mail: ttakaaki[AT]ideacon.co.jp
Last updated: 10 Feb. 2025
SubfamilyXiphocentroninae Ross
Only the genus Melanotrichia Ulmer is known from Japan.
Three species belonging to this genus have been recorded from Japan. Kibuneopsychomyia Tsuda 1942 (described originally in Psychomyiidae) and Tsukushitrichia Kobayashi 1964 (described originally in Hydroptilidae) were synonymized
with Melanotrichia by Schmid (1982) and Barnard & Dudgeon (1984), respectively.
Akagi, I. (1959) On the larvae of six species of Trichoptera. Annals Kansai Natural Science Association, 12, 40-43 [in Japanese].
Aoyagi, M. & Iwasaki, T. (2009) Hontani no tobikera-rui (Caddisflies of Hontani, Koki-gawa). Kaizuka no Shizen, 11, 99-108 [in Japanese].
Aoyagi, M. Iwasaki, T. (2010) Tote-gawai no tobikera-rui (Caddisflies of Tote-gawa). Kaizuka no Shizen, 12, 29-40 [in Japanese].
Barnard, P.C. & Dudgeon, D. (1984) The larval ecology and morphology of a new species of Melanotrichia from Hong Kong (Trichoptera: Xiphocentronidae). Aquatic Insects 6, 245-252.
Fischer, F. C. J. (1972) Trichopterorum Catalogus, 13. Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereniging,
Amsterdam, 172 pp.
Inazu, K. (2008) Collection record of caddisflies in the Itoi River Hyogo over 5 years (2001-2005)
-Notes on emergence periods classification distribution and ecology of
adults and larvae. Hyogo Freshwater Biology, 60, 59-104 [in Japanese].
Inazu, K., (2013) Collection records of caddisflies in the Yada River. Hyogo Freshwater Biology, 64, 65-78 [in Japanese].
Inazu, K. & Nishida, A. (2011) Trichoptera. Editorial office of Hyogo Fresh Water Biology (ed.) Hyogo no kawa no ikimono zukan, Hyogo Rikusui-seibutsu Kenkyu-kai, Himeji, pp. 169-212 [in Japanese].
Ishiwata, S., K. Saitou & Kobayashi, N. (2005) Kanagawa kennai kasen no teiseidobutsu (Benthic animals of rivers in Kanagawa Prefectures). Kanagawa Environmental Research Center, Hiratsuka, 299 pp.
Ito, T. (2017a) Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Ikenokôchi Marsh,
Tsuruga-shi, Fukui Prefecture, cnetral Japan. Biology of Inland
Waters, 31, 1-9 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Ito, T. (2017b) Caddisfly (Trichoptera) fauna of Shumarinai-gawa River, Horokanai-cho,
Hokkaido, northern Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 32, 37-47 [in Japanese with Englsih abstract].
Ito, T., Kuhara, N., Hattori, T., Ohkawa, A. (2010) Caddisfly (Trichoptera) fauna of Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido, northern
Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 25, 51-85 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kagaya, T., Nozaki, T. & Kuranishi, R. B. (1998) Fauna and distribution of Trichoptera in the Tama-River system. In Katagiri,
K. (Ed.) Fauna and Distribution of Trichoptera in the Tama-River System, Tokyu Foundation for Better Environment, Tokyo, pp. 1-266 [in Japanese].
Katsuma, N.( 2012) Caddisflies collected from the Okami marsh, Hitachiota-shi, Ibaraki Prefecture.
In Ibaraki Nature Museum (ed.) Report of comprehensive survey of plants, animals and geology in Ibaraki
Prefecture by the Ibaraki Nature Museum -Trends of insects and other invertebrates
in 2011-, pp. 63-68, Ibaraki Nature Museum, Bando, Ibaraki. [In Japanese].
Kawase, N. (2024) Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of a headwater region of Ibi River, Gifu Prefecture,
central Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 39, 17-25 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kawase, N. & Hayashi, M. (2010) Records of adult caddisflies from Mt. Sentsu-zan, Okuizumo-cho, Shimane
Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of Hoshizaki Green Fund, 13, 83-86 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kawase, H. & Morita, H (2001). 2000nen ni saisyushita tobikera-rui (Caddisflies collected in 2000).
Tokkuribachi, 68, 8-9 [in Japanese].
Kawase, N. & Morita, H. (2010) The caddisfly (Insecta, Trichoptera) fauna of the Suzuka Mountaions. Biology of Inland Waters, 25, 31-50 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kawase, N. & Morita, H. (2014) The caddisfly (Insecta, Trichoptera) fauna of the upstream area of the Takatoki River, Shiga Prefecture, central Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 28, 1-10 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kobayashi, M. (1964) A new genus and a new species of Hydroptilidae from Japan (Trichoptera).
Kontyû, 32, 211-213.
Kobayashi, M. (1971) Six new species of caddisflies from Tanzawa mountain mass, Kanagawa Prefecture,
Japan (Trichoptera, Insecta). Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, 1(4), 1-7.
Kuhara N. (1997) Notes on insect fauna of the Okusawa-Suigenchi area, Otaru, central Hokkaido
Japan, No. 8. -Trichoptera-. Bulletin of the Otaru Museum, 10, 57-62 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kuhara N. (2001) Notes on insect fauna of the Okusawa-Suigenchi area, Otaru, central Hokkaido,
Japan, No. 23. -Records of Trichoptera collected by a Malaise trap in 1996-.
Bulletin of the Otaru Museum, 14, 13-22 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Kuhara, N. & Ito, T. (2017) Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Yakushima, northern Ryûkyûs, southwestern
Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 31, 11-20 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Mey, W. & Nozaki, T. (2006) The caddisflies from the "All-continent expert tour" in central
Japan 2003. Braueria, 33, 23-25.
Morita, H. (2001) Kontyu-rui (Tobikera-moku) (Insecta: Trichoptera). In The Editorial Board
of Kisei-cho (Ed.) The Natural History of Kisei-cho, Kisei-cho, Mie, 333-341 [in Japanese].
Morita, H. (2008) Dai 11 setsu, Suzuka-shi no tobikera-moku (Trichoptera of Suzuka-shi).
In Kankyo-bu Kankyoseisaku-ka (Ed.) Suzuka-shi no shizen- Suzukashi shizen kankyo chosa houkokusho, Suzuka City, Suzuka, pp. 718-725 [in Japanese].
Morita, H. (2009) Yokkaichi-shi (Kanmuri-yama) sanchi-sairyu no tobikera-sou -Malezu-trappu
ni yoru tobikera-seityu no tyousa- (Trichoptera fauna of mountain stream
in Yokkaichi-shi). Hirakura, 53, 136-141 [in Japanese].
Morita, H. (2011) Shima-hanto no tobikera-rui (Caddisflies of Shima Peninsula). In Narukawa,
N. (Ed.) Shima-hanto no Konchu (Insect fauna of Shima Peninsula), 212-218 [in Japanese].
Moriya, H. (1997) Aquatic Insects of the Sagamigawa River system II. Sagamihara City Museum, Sagamihara [in Japanese].
Moriya, H. & Kubota, H. (2012) Trichoptera. In Sagamihara City Museum (Ed.) Tsukuimachi no konchu III (Insects of Tsukui-machi III), pp. 131-138, Sagamihara City, Sagamihara [in Japanese].
Nakano, A. & Tanida, K. (1999) Species richness of Trichoptera in mountain streams in Japan: some practical
and statistical tests to reveal the diversity in mother community. In Malicky,
H. & Chantaramongkol, P. [Eds.] Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Trichoptera, University of Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, pp. 273-283.
Nojima, K. (2017) Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 32, 107-131[in Japanese with English abstract].
Nozaki, T. (1987) Trichoptera fauna of the Miura Peninsula, Kanagawa, Japan. Science Report of the Yokosuka City Museum, 35, 37-44 + pl.7 [in Japanese with English abstract].
Nozaki, T. (1997) Tobikera-rui (Trichoptera fauna of Tanzawa and O-yama mountains). In Kanagawa
Park Association and the Plan Committee, General Investgating Group of
Tanzawa Oyama Natural Environments (Ed.) Tanzawa-Oyama Shizen Kankyo Sogo Chosa Hokokusho, Tanzawa-sanchi Doshokubutsu
Mokuroku (List of Fauna and Flora of Tanzawa and O-yama), Kanagawa Prefectural Government, Yokohama, pp. 31-38 [in Japanese].
Nozaki, T. (2004) Trichoptera. In Kanagawa Konchu Danwakai (Ed.) Insect Fauna of Kanagawa, Kanagawa Konchu Danwakai, Odawara, pp. 1229-1240 [in Japanese].
Nozaki, T. (2016) Trichoptera. In Maruyama, H. and Hanada, S. (Ed.) A field guide to Japanese aquatic insects: Adults of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies, Zenkoku Noson Kyoiku Kyokai, Tokyo, pp. 69-87, 294-410, 429-442, 449-451, 456-461 [in Japanese].
Schmid, F. (1982) La famille des Xiphocentronides (Trichoptera: Annulipalpia). Mémoires
de la Société Entomologique du Canada, 121, 1-127.
Shimura, N. & Imasaka S. (2020) 2018-nen ni Fukuoka-ken Shaka-dake de saisyushita suiseikonchu-rui (Collection records of aquatic insects from Shakadake, Fukuoka Prefecture in 2018). Korasana 93, 9-18 [in Japanese].
Shimura, N., Yoshinari, G., Morimoto, S., Tokoro, T. & Komori, T. (2014) Collection records of aquatic invertevrates from Amami Island, Kagoshima Prefecture. Hyogo Freshwater Biology, 65, 35-60 [in Japanese].
Tanaka, M. (2018) Akita-ken no tobikera bunpu shiryo 9 [Caddisflies of Akita Prefecture 9].
Akita Nature Study, 72, 1-5 [in Japanese
Tanaka, M. (2018) Akita-ken no tobikera bunpu shiryo 11 [Caddisflies of Akita Prefecture
11]. Akita Nature Study, 74, 8-11 [in Japanese].
Tanaka, M. (2023) Akita-ken no tobikera bunpu shiryo 15 [Caddisflies of Akita Prefecture
15]. Akita Nature Study, 80, 41-48 [in Japanese].
Tanaka, M. (2024) Akita-ken no tobikera bunpu shiryo 16 [Caddisflies of Akita Prefecture
16]. Akita Nature Study, 81, 26-32 [in Japanese].
Tanida, K. (1985) Trichoptera. In Kawai, T. (Ed.) An Illustrated Book of Aquatic Insects of Japan, Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp. 173-175 [in Japanese].
Tanida, K. (2005) Xiphocentronidae. In Kawai, T. & Tanida, K. (Eds.), Aquatic Insects of Japan: Manual with Keys and Illustrations. Tokai University Press, Hadano, Kanagawa, p. 469 [in Japanese].
Tanida (2016) Family Xiphocentronidae. In Editorial committee of Catalogue of the Insects
of Japan (Ed.) Catalogue of the Insects of Japan, Volume 5. Neuropterida, Mecoptera, Siphonaptera,
Trichoptera and Strepsipteram, Entomological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, p. 87 [in Japanese].
Tanida, K. (2018) Xiphocentronidae. In Kawai, T. & Tanida, K. (Eds.) Aquatic insects of Japan : manual with keys and illustrations, the 2nd edition. Tokai University Press, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, pp. 552 [in Japanese].
Torii, T. & Hattori, T. (2006) Trichoptera fauna of the Seto River system, Shizuoka, central Japan. Biology of Inland Waters, 21, 31-41. [In Japanese with English abstract]
Tsuda, M. (1942) Japanische Trichopteren I. Systematik. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University,
Series B, 17, 239-339.
Tsuda, M. & Akagi, I. (1962) Trichoptera. In Tsuda, M. (Ed.) Aquatic Entomology. Hokuryukan, Tokyo, pp. 112-148 [in Japanese].
Yamamoto, E., Nozaki, T., Kuhara, N. & Ito, T. (2021) Caddisflies (Trichoptera) collected from a mountain stream, Namakusa-dani, in Shikoku, western Japan. In Yamamoto Institute of Forest Biology (Ed.), Odamiyama no Suisei-konchu to Matsubara- izumi no Shizen, Ecosystem Conservation Society of Ehime, Uchiko-cho, Ehime, pp. 67-76
[in Japanese].