A catalogue of Japanese Trichoptera
Family Calamoceratidae Ulmer
Author: Takao NOZAKI and Naoki KAWASE*
E-mail: kawasen[AT]nifty.com
Last update: 28 Jan. 2025
Two subfamilies, Anisocentropodinae Lestage and Calamoceratinae Ulmer,
are known in Japan.
Subfamily Anisocentropodinae Lestage
Only the genus Anisocentropus McLachlan belongs to this subfamily.
Genus Anisocentropus McLachlan
Ito et al. (2012) revised Japanese species of this genus, and confirmed 3 species.
Illustrations of larvae identified as Anisocentropus immunis by Tsuda (1943, 1959), Tsuda and Akagi (1962) and Tanida (1985) could
not be identified to species (Ito et al. 2012). Illustrations or photographs of larvae identified as Anisocentropus sp. by Tanida (2005) and Tanida et al. (1991) also could not be identified to species (Ito et al. 2012). Tamura et al. (2015) recorded unidentified species of this genus
from Yaku-shima.
Anisocentropus kawamurai (Iwata 1927)
Phryganea sp.: Kawamura 1918, 302, larva, case, Honshu (Nagano). Mentioned by Iwata (1927a).
Kizakia kawamurai Iwata 1927a, 241-242, larva, case, Honshu (Nagano). Synonymized with Anisocentropus immunis by Ulmer (1955), but reinstated by Neboiss (1986).
Iwata 1927b, 211, larva, Honshu (Nagano).
Fischer 1972, 43.
Ganonema minuta Martynov 1930, 85-86, male, China. Synonymized by Ito et al. (2012)
Anisocentrus minutus: Malicky 1994, 69-70, male wings, Thailand, Myanmar.
Yang et al. 2005, 450, China
Malicky 2010, 330, male, Thailand, Vietnam.
Anisocentropus sp.: Maruyama Takai 2000, 122-123, 125, photo. 2-39, larva, case, Honshu. Mentioned by Ito et al. (2012).
Nozaki 2005, 112, adult, larva, case, Honshu. Mentioned by Ito et al. (2012)
Hayashi et al. 2009, 41-47, abundance, case material selection, Kyushu (Miyazaki). Mentioned
by Ito et al. (2012).
Anisocentropus kawamurai: Ulmer 1951, 345.
Moriya 1992, 46-47, Honshu (Kanagawa).
Inazu and Nishida 2011, 210, female, larva, case, Honshu (Hyogo).
Morita 2011, 218, Honshu (Mie).
Ito et al., 2012, 2-9, 13, 15-16, male, female, larva, case, habitat, Hokkaido (Sorachi, Ishikari), Honshu (Ibaraki, Chiba, Nagano, Aichi, Shiga, Osaka, Hyogo, Shimane), Shikoku (Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi), Kyushu (Miyazaki), Tsushima, Yonaguni-jima).
Enju et al. 2013, 88, larva.
Inazu 2013, 58, Honshu (Hyogo).
Takeneka et al. 2013, 45-49, adult, larva, pupa, case, habitat, Tsushima.
Ito and Nagasaka 2014, Hokkaido (Sorachi).
Ishii and Iwata 2016, 7, larva, Honshu (Saitama).
Nozaki 2016, 86, 406, 442, 451, male, Shikoku (Kochi).
Tanida 2016, 136.
Hayashi et al. 2017, 80, Kyushu (Miyazaki).
Kawase et al. 2017, 39, Honshu (Shiga).
Nojima 2017, 127, Honshu (Okayama).
Saito et al. 2017, 184-185, Honshu (Chiba).
Ohira and Tsutsumi 2018, 26, Honshu (Fukushima).
Takenaka et al. 2018, 14-20, larva, case, Tanegashima, Nakanoshima (Tokara Is.). Larval
Tanida and Ito 2018, 661-662, male, female, larva.
Nozaki 2019, 46, adult, larval case, Honshu (Fukushima, Shizuoka).
Ymamoto et al. 2019, 74, 77, larva, Shikoku (Ehime). Larval record.
Miyahara & Tsuchiya 2020, 13-14, larva, case, Honshu (Gunma). Larval record.
Takenaka et al. 2021, 4959-4968, phylogeography, Hokkaido (Sorachi, Ishikari, Iburi,
Oshima), Honshu (Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Tochigi, Tokyo, Yamanashi, Nagano,
Shizuoka, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Shimane, Okayama,
Hiroshima, Yamaguchi), Shikoku (Tokushima, Kagawa, Kochi), Kyshu (Fukuoka,
Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima), Tsushima, Goto-retto, Tanega-shima, Nakano-shimai
(Tokara Is.), Yonaguni-jima, Korea, China.
Hayashi et al. 2022, 34, 39, 44, 58, DNA barcodes, Honshu (Shimane).
Tanaka 2022, 37, 39, adult, Honshu (Akita).
Miyahara 2023, 7-18, egg mass, larval case, life cycle, Honshu (Gunma).
Tanaka 2023, 45, Honshu (Akita).
Kuhara 2024, 39, Kyushu (Kagoshima).
Miyahara 2024, 1-5, size of egg mass, number of eggs per egg mass, egg
size, Honshu (Gunma).
Tanaka 2024, 29, Honshu (Akita).
Type locality. Japan (Honshu).
Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima, Goto-retto, Tanega-shima,
Nakano-shima, Yonaguni-jima), Korea, Taiwan, China (south east), Vietnam,
Thailand, Myanmar.
Remarks. Hayashi et al. (2013) and Shimura (2015) recorded this species from Oki Islands (Dogo)
and Fukue-jima based on identification of the larval stage, respectively.
Anisocentropus magnificus Ulmer 1907
Anisocentropus magnificus Ulmer 1907, 54-56, pl. 2, male, Philippines.
Oláh and Johanson 2010, 29-30, male, Philippines.
Ito et al. 2012, 11-16, male, feamle, larva, habitat, Ishigaki-jima, Iriomote-jima.
Tanida 2016, 136.
Shimura 2018, 72, adult, larva.
Takenaka et al. 2018, 15-20, larva.
Tanida and Ito 2018, 661-662, male, female, larva.
Takaenaka et al. 2021, 4959-4968, phylogeography, Ishigaki-jima, Iriomote-jima.
?Anisocentropus sp.: Tanida 1997, 449, Yaeyama Islands. Mentioned by Ito et al. (2012).
Tanida 2003, 373, Iriomote-jima. Mentioned by Ito et al. (2012).
Type Locality: Philippines.
Distribution. Japan (Ishigaki-jima, Iriomote-jima), Philippines.
Anisocentropus pallidus (Martynov 1935)
Ganonema pallidum Martynov 1935, 214-217, male, Russian Far East (Amur).
Anisocentropus pallidus: Lepneva 1966, 399-404, larva, case, Russian Far East (Primorye).
Arefina and Levanidova 1997, 153, male, Russian Far East (Khabarovsk, Primorye).
Ito et al. 2012, 10-11, 13, 15-16, male, female, larva, habitat, Hokkaido (Ishikari, Iburi, Oshima), Honshu (Miyagi, Kyoto, Okayama,
Ito 2013, 71, Hokkaido (Kushiro).
Ito and Kuhara 2016, 19, Hokkaido (Kushiro).
Ito 2016, 214-222, larva, egg, case, biology, Hokkaido (Ishikari).
Nozaki 2016, 406, 442, male.
Tanida 2016, 136.
Kawase et al. 2017, 39, Honshu (Shiga).
Nojima 2017, 127, Honshu (Okayama).
Tanaka 2017, 2, 5, male, Honshu (Akita).
Takenaka et al. 2018, 15-20, larva, Kyushu (Oita). Larval record.
Tanida and Ito 2018, 661-662, male, female, larva.
Miyahara & Tsuchiya 2020, 13-14, larva, case, Honshu (Gunma). Larval record.
Morita 2020, 82, Honshu (Mie).
Takenaka et al. 2021, 4959-4968, phylogeography, Hokkaido (Kushiro, Soya, Ishikari, Iburi,
Oshima), Honshu (Iwate, Akita, Fukushima), Honshu (Gunma, Niigata, Mie,
Osaka, Hyogo, Tottori, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi), Kyushu (Oita).
Hayashi et al. 2022, 34, 39, 44, 58, DNA barcodes, Honshu (Shimane).
Tsutsumi et al. 2022, 370, Honshu (Tochigi).
Tanaka 2022, 37, 39, adult, Honshu (Akita).
Ito and Kuhara 2023, 71, Hokkaido (Soya).
Kawase & Kato, 2023, 10, Honshu (Niigata).
Yamamoto 2024, 36-37, Shikoku (Ehime).
Anisocentropus immunis McLachlan 1863: Ulmer 1907, 53-54, male, Japan (precise locality unknown). Misidentification mentioned by Neboiss (1986), and Ito et al (2012) determined this species as A. pallidus.
Anisocentropus kawamurai: Oláh and Johanson 2010, 16-18, male, Hokkaido. Misidentification mentioned by Ito et al. (2012)
Anisocentropus sp. 1: Kuhara et al. 2000, 249-250, Hokkaido (Iburi). Mentioned by Ito et al. (2012).
Anisocentropus sp.: Ito et al. 2010, 65, 77, 85, Hokkaido (Oshima). Mentione by Ito et al. (2012).
Ijima and Tsuchiya 2016, 34, Hokkaido (Kushiro). Mentioned by Ito and Kuhara
Type locality. Russian Far East.
Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Russian far East (Khabarovsk,
Remarks. Tsuda (1942a, 1954), Tani (1977) and Tani and Nakamura (1997) recorded
Anisocentropus adults as A. immunis, but A. immunis is now known only from New Guinea (Oláh and Johanson, 2010),
Subfamily Calamoceratinae Ulmer
Two genera, Ganonema Ulmer and Georgium Fischer are known from Japan. Heteroplectron yamaguchii described by Tsuda (1942a) was synonymized with Perissoneura paradoxa McLachlan 1871 (Nozaki and Tanida 2010). Kadowaki (1998) also recorded
the genus Heteroplectron based on female specimens collected from Shimane.
Genus Ganonema McLachlan
A single species Ganonema uchidai Iwata is known from Japan.
Ganonema uchidai Iwata 1930
Ganonema uchidai Iwata 1930, 61-62, 64-65, larva, case, Honshu (Tokyo).
Fischer 1965, 17.
Fischer 1972, 49.
Inazu and Nishida 2011, 210, male, female, larva, case, Honshu (Hyogo).
Inazu 2013, 58, 64, adult, larva, Honshu (Hyogo).
Morita 2013, 64, Honshu (Mie).
Nozaki 2016, 86, 406, 442, 451, adult, Honshu (Hyogo).
Tanida 2016 136.
Ito 2017, 7, Honshu (Fukui).
Nojima 2017, 127, Honshu (Okayama).
Tanida and Ito 2018, 661, 663, adult, larva, case.
Morita 2021. 84-85, male, female, Honshu (Mie).
Asotocerus nigripennis Kuwayama 1930, 53-56, male, female, Honshu (Kyoto), Korea. Synonymized by Tanida (2005), and Nozaki and Tanida
Matsumura 1931, 1127-1128, male.
Kuwayama 1932, 1508, male.
Matsumura 1933, 4, 6, pl. 1, male, Honshu.
Tsuda 1942a, 282, Honshu (Kyoto, Hyogo).
Esaki et al. 1938. 137, pl. 62, male.
Gyotoku 1957, 10, Kyushu (Fukuoka).
Fischer 1965, 11.
Tani 1977, 205, pl. 44, Honshu (Hyogo).
Tanida and Takemon 1981, 206, 209-210, 215, case, Honshu (Kyoto).
Ganonema nigripenne: Fischer 1972, 48.
Uenishi et al. 1993, 58-59, Kyushu (Fukuoka).
Morita 1996, 288, Honshu (Mie).
Nishiharu 1997, 60, Honshu (Fukui) (nigripennis).
Nozaki 2005, 113, adult, larva, case.
Tanida 2005, 554-555, adult, larva, case.
Inazu 2008, 84, 96, 104, Honshu (Hyogo).
Tanida, 2008, 254, pl. 94, adult.
Morita 2009, 121-122, adult, Honshu (Mie).
Tani 2005, 119, larva, case, adult.
Morita 2011, 218, Honshu (Mie).
Enju et al. 2013, 89, larva.
Ganonema sp.: Tanida et al. 1991, 134, adult, larva, pupa, case.
Type Locality. Japan (Honshu).
Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu).
Remarks. Tanida (2005) treated G. uchidai as a junior subjective synonym of A. nigripennis, but Nozaki and Tanida (2010) recognized that the publication date of
the former is earlier than that of the latter.
Genus Georgium Fischer
A single species, Georgium japonicum (Ulmer 1905), is known from Japan.
Georgium japonicum (Ulmer 1905)
Rhabdoceras japonicum Ulmer 1905, 32-33, pl. 1, male, central Japan.
Banks 1906, 111, Honshu (Gifu) (japonica).
Tsuda 1942a, 282-283, Honshu (Kyoto, Hyogo).
Tsuda 1942b, 63-66, Honshu (Kyoto).
Tsuda and Kuwayama 1950, 418, adult.
Tsuda 1951, 56, larva, case.
Mori and Matsutani 1953, 30-34, swarming, Honshu (Shiga).
Tsuda 1954, 27, Honshu (Shimane).
Miwa and Okawa 1958, 18, Honshu (Mie).
Tsuda 1958, 170-171, Honshu (Kyoto).
Tsuda 1959, 141, larva, case.
Anabolia kawamurai Iwata 1927a, 249-250, pl. 10, larva, Hoshu (Shiga). Synonymized by Tsuda (1954).
Iwata, 1927b, 212-213, pl. 6, larva, Honshu (Shiga).
Ganonema japonicum Iwata 1928, 238-241, larva, case, Honshu (Yamaguchi) (japonica). Synonymized by Tsuda (1958), and Nozaki and Tanida (2010).
Fischer 1965, 16.
Fischer 1972, 48.
Georgium japonicum (Ulmer 1905): Fischer 1964, 106, genus renamed.
Fischer 1972, 50.
Uenishi et al. 1993, 59, Kyushu (Fukuoka) (!Georigium).
Dudgeon 1999, 86-87, male, female, larva, life history, Hong Kong.
Uenishi and Ebisawa 2000, 164, 171, larva, case, Honshu (Shiga).
Nozaki and Nakamura 2005, 227, Honshu (Shimane).
Tanida 2005, 554.
Inazu and Nishida 2011, 210, male, female, larva, case, Honshu (Hyogo).
Inazu 2013, 58, 64, adult, larva, Honshu (Hyogo).
Fujitani 2016, 31-32, Honshu (Okayama).
Nozaki 2016, 86, 407, 442, 451, adult, Honshu (Hyogo).
Tanida 2016, 136.
Nojima 2017, 127, Honshu (Okayama).
Tanida and Ito 2018, 661, 663, 664, larva, case.
Georgium japonicum (Iwata, 1928, nec. Ulmer 1905): Tanida 2005, 554 (japonica).
Type locality. Japan (central).
Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu), China.
Banks, N. (1906) New Trichoptera from Japan. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 7, 106-113.
Dudgeon, D. (1999) The population dynamics of three species of Calamoceratidae (Trichoptera)
in a tropical forest stream. In H. Malicky & P. Chantaramongkol (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Trichoptera, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, pp. 83-91.
Enju, M., Takai, M., Okuyama, S. & Nagashima, S. (2013) Trichoptera. In Enju, M. (Ed.) Nihon no Konchu 1400 - 2 (Japanese Insects 1400 - 2). Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 82-91 [in Japanese].
Esaki, T., Hori, H. & Yasumatsu, K. (1938) Insectorum Japonicorum. Illustratio Iconographica. The Sanseido, Tokyo, 485pp [in Japanese].
Fischer, F. C. J. (1964) Ein neure Name für Rhabdoceras (Calamoceratidae, Trichoptera). Entomologische Berichten, 24, 106.
Fischer, F. C. J. (1965) Trichopterorum Catalogus, 6. Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereniging, Amsterdam, 214pp.
Fischer, F. C. J. (1972) Trichopterorum Catalogus, 14. Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging, Amsterdam, 154pp.
Fujitani, T. (2016) Records of the larvae of Georgium japonicum (Ulmer, 1905) (Calamoceratidae: Trichoptera) from Takahashi-gawa River,
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Gyotoku, N. (1957) Fukuoka-ken Ukiha-gun ni sansuru tobikera-rui (Yoho) (Caddisflies of Ukiha-gun
in Fukuoka Prefecture (a preliminary report)). Kita Kyûshû no Kontyû, 4 (2), 13 [in Japanese].
Hayashi, M., Kadowaki, H., Matsuda, T., Fukaya, H. & Chikami, Y. (2013) Research on insect distribution of Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture, Japan, part 3. Special Bulletin of the Hoshizaki Green Foundation, 8, 1-73 [in Japanese].
Hayashi, Y., Ito, T., Kuhara, N. & Nozaki, T. (2017). Caddisflies (Trichoptera) collected by a Malaise trap set by the forest
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Hayashi, Y., Kawano, K., Kushima, N. & Murakami, T. (2009) Effects of riparian vegetation on larval abundance of and case material selection by Anisocentropus sp. (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae): A preliminary report. Biology of Inland Waters, 24, 41–47.
Hayashi, M., Sôma, R., Yoshinari, G. & Torii, T. (2022) DNA Barcodes of Aquatic Insects of Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Special Bulletin of the Hoshizaki Green Foundation, 30, 29-58 [in Japanese].
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