A Catalogue of Japanese Trichoptera

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Please cite this catalogue as follows:
Each family: Author(s). A catalogue of Japanese Trichoptera, Family **** ***. Available from: http://tobikera.eco.coocan.jp/catalog/****.html (Date of access)
As a whole: Nozaki, T. (ed.). A catalogue of Japanese Trichoptera. Available from: http://tobikera.eco.coocan.jp/catalogue.html (Date of access)

   Trichoptera families in Japan

Hydropsychidae Curtis (by T. Nozaki, 23 Feb. 2024)
Stenopsychidae Martynov (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Philopotamidae Stephens (by N. Kuhara, 16 Aug. 2023)
Dipseudopsidae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki* & S. Inaba, 31 Dec. 2023)
Xiphocentronidae Ross (by T. Torii, 7 Feb. 2024)
Psychomyiidae Walker (by T. Torii, 7 Feb. 2024)
Polycentropodidae Ulmer (by S. Inaba, T. Ito* & A. Ohkawa, 3 Jan. 2024)
Pseudoneureclipsidae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki* & S. Inaba, 22 Feb. 2022)
Ecnomidae Ulmer (by N. Kuhara, 16 Aug. 2023)
Ptilocolepidae Martynov (by T. Ito, 3 Jan. 2024)
Hydroptilidae Stephens (by T. Ito, 3 Jan. 2024)
Glossosomatidae Wallengren (by N. Kuhara, 16 Aug. 2023)
Hydrobiosidae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki, 24 Apr. 2020)
Rhyacophilidae Stephens (by A. Taira* & T. Nozaki, 24 Apr. 2020))
Phryganopsychidae Wiggins (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Lepidostomatidae Ulmer (by T. Ito, 3 Jan. 2024)
Brachycentridae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Phryganeidae Leach (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Goeridae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Uenoidae Iwata (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Apataniidae Wallengren (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Limnephilidae Kolenati  (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Limnocentropodidae Tsuda (by T. Nozaki, 22 Feb. 2022)
Helicopsychidae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki, 22 Feb. 2022)
Beraeidae Wallengren (by T. Nozaki, 22 Feb. 2022)
Sericostomatidae Stephens (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Odontoceridae Wallengren (by N. Kawase, 4 Jan. 2024)
Calamoceratidae Ulmer (by T. Nozaki, 31 Dec. 2023)
Molannidae Wallengren (by T. Ito, 3 Jan. 2024)
Leptoceridae Leach (by N. Katsuma, 4 May 2019)